Latest, trip and moving

Hello bloggen 

Some uppdates,

Quentin came last Thursday (1.5 week ago) instead of the Sunday after. He really tricked me and that was a lot of fun. I was so suprise so I couldn't talk the first hour. He was supposed to miss the Margarita Pool Party at Florians that Saturday but he was now going. The party was a lot of fun. 
In the middle of the party I had to go though. But it was because I had a massage appointment, and that was very relaxing. 
When the massage was over I went back to the Margaritas and my friends and had a great night. 

During last week Quentin stayed at my place. We did a lot but in the same time nothing.. I bought the best shoes/flipflops ever and one more suitcase that I need when I'm moving. For you guys that I haven't talked with I have news for you. I am moving to San Carlos California!!!! It's 30min south from San Fransisco. How awesome?! The plain is leaving on September 1st. So I will be living on the west coast soon. 

On Saturday my vacation starts, the trip to CA that I was talking about is finally here. I will see Disney Land, San Fransisco, Arizona, Route 66, Vegas and so on. That will be really cool. Quentin will meet me up and we will do the trip toghter. 
Before the trip take space I will meet my future Host Mom Sarah. She will take some of my luggage so I don't have to bring everything four weeks later. 

It's too soon now until I'm moving. I'm pretty scared  but very exited. 

My Nike Flipflop

And here are my siblings. Marcus my older little brother turned 18 last week and my mom sended me this beautiful picture. Happy Birthay again my amazing brother! There is something on it's way for you. 

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